Call For Papers
The 1st National Conference on Computing Science and Emerging Trends (CSET'25) is going to be organized by the department of Computer Science on 23-24 April 2025 at Quaid-e-Awam University of Engineering, Science and Technology, Nawabshah. The conference is expected to provide an excellent forum for sharing knowledge and results in theory, methodology and applications of computer science, information technology, artificial intelligence, data science, and cyber security. The conference encourages innovative research contributions in all the major fields of Computer Science covering theoretical and practical aspects. Among others, the key goal of the conference is to provide a platform to researchers and practitioners from both academia as well as industry to meet and share cutting-edge developments in computing related disciplines.
Scopes and Topics:
Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
Formal specification and verification of systems
Tools for program verification and construction
Real-time, hybrid systems and embedded systems
Distributed computing
Software engineering
Computer communications and network protocols
Service oriented architecture
Artificial intelligence
Neural networks
Social computing
Visual computing and computer graphics
Computer vision and image processing
Simulation and modeling
Machine learning: theory, systems and applications
Paper Submission
CSET'25 invites authors to submit original and unpublished work using EasyChair. The submission website is:
It is important to note that the conference will use a “blind review” process where author identities are not revealed to the reviewers to allow concentration on the content. The first page, on which the paper body begins, should include the title, abstract, content areas, but not the acknowledgements and names or affiliations of authors. More importantly, submissions must not exceed six (06) pages in IEEE style. Guidelines for preparing the manuscripts can be found at Submissions not following the guidelines will simply be rejected.
Special Issue
Extended versions of accepted papers will be invited to a special issue of HEC recognized journal. The conference proceedings will only include the abstract of the accepted papers.
Best Paper Award
During the conference, best paper award will be given to the selected paper.
For further information, please send an email to